IT’s Importance to the Internal Customer UX

Transforming the User Experience (UX) for the internal customer is as important as the external customer’s UX. Taking care of internal customers impacts an organization’s culture and working environment. It is also a powerful way for IT to provide ‘value’ to the business.  Often, the management team considers the IT department a necessary expense and not a valuable part of the revenue producing organization. By improving the internal UX, IT can and will improve the external UX which in turn provides immense value to the business.

IT organizations are at risk of being outsourced because they are viewed as:

·         A cost center rather than a value generator

·         A replaceable utility instead of a reliable resource

·         An order taker and not a strategic partner

In many cases, the IT department does not realize their importance to the internal customer UX. The IT department focuses its efforts on the technical part of their job and loses focus on the impact it has on the business.  The IT culture began with the role of data processing but needs to expand its perspective on the importance of its role affecting the data-driven business entity. IT works in an environment where there is little understanding of how its actions influence business operations and activities.  The value of IT is not well communicated to the business and not well understood. The IT department needs to understand how its services provide value for the business. It is extremely important IT understands critical business processes in order to deliver systems that provide value to the business.  Without a deep understanding of the critical business processes the IT department is unable to properly align its high value resources.

Technological enablement...

The internal customer experience directly affects the external client experience.  If the internal customer workflow is negatively affected, they will be unable to deliver the best experience to the external customer, (e.g., billing and customer service processes).  Delays and inconveniences arise for both the external and internal user, preventing the employee’s ability to provide great customer satisfaction. Recognizing the value the business places on the internal user’s experiences helps them to understand the importance of every User’s Experience.  It becomes part of the mindset of valuing every individual, whether customer or co-worker.

CoffeeTree Group can help your IT department improve the internal UX.  Our Trusted Advisors will consult with key personnel to determine where and how IT can improve workflow.  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be developed to measure user satisfaction.  By putting those metrics in place, we can assess customer feedback and find the correct way to implement improvements. With KPIs in place, CoffeeTree Group will provide IT with the tools to communicate the value it provides to the business as a whole.  For example, business led projects would benefit from the use of technology to improve the customer experience. This will ensure IT will understand and be able to articulate the value it brings to each service. More importantly, IT is driving value by executing critical business projects on-time and within budget.  It will move beyond the fundamentals of good service and implement the enabling cultures and structures needed to become a true service provider. Ultimately, IT will become a trusted influence on decision making and a strategic partner within the organization.

As the leadership team learns to see IT as a strategic partner, it will be able to make better decisions based on smart service metrics.  This information will help the business become more agile and adjust better to market forces. More importantly, transforming the internal customer UX will provide higher value services and improve the external customer’s UX.

CoffeeTree Group (CTG) has critical program experience in developing, sourcing, delivering and supporting user experience solutions for clients.  Leverage our key knowledge – we can help you get there.  Let us help you drive innovation, improve internal and external satisfaction with systems and get results. 

Need assistance?  Let’s discuss your challenges:  Call today at 248-526-3315 or email us for an immediate consultation.


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